The house was quite large and was partly occupied by John Hall’s family, old acquaintances of ours and Baptists. It was a lovely old place with plenty of fruit, cherries, apples, and pears.

was the presidential election year. The Republican candidates were Fremont and Dayton,
the Democrats were Buchanan and Breckenridge, who were elected. The American
candidates were Fillmore and Donelson.[i]
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1856 wedding dress |
of my young lady friends was married in September. She was our nearest neighbor
on one side. I was very intimate with her, and helped her sew some of her
wedding clothes. There was a large wedding, most of the guests stayed all
night, and we had a big breakfast party as well as supper the night before.
During the summer Father took a trip through central Illinois. He had never been there before and was very much pleased with the country, and the people who were very kind to him and urged him to come and live among them. As he had some money to invest, he bought a farm one mile from Lincoln, Logan County, and in October we started to move there.
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Logan County, Ill. |
Oh how I hated to leave my young friends! I thought it was too bad while I was having such a good time to break away and go among perfect strangers. But go we must, so I tried to make the best of it. It seemed nice to own a home of our own once more; we had been renting for two years. We were four weeks making the trip, as Father had appointments to preach all along the way. I remember one day when he had meeting we stopped at an old Brother Baptist’s house, and I stayed at the house and read Jane Eyre instead of going to meeting. I wonder Mother allowed it, but I went to all the other meetings.
Father had a bone felon[ii] on his hand and suffered greatly with it. We went by Grandpa’s of course, all roads led to Grandpa (not Rome), and now I think of it, that was our last visit there. When we arrived in Lincoln we went to a Mr. Rankin’s, who had kindly invited us to stay there ‘til we could get settled in our new home. We were there two weeks when the family in our house moved out and we soon got settled. Our land was mostly prairie, lying on the edge of the timber, through which ran Salt Creek. There were 160 acres in the farm. I used to roam through the woods and along the creek when I had nothing else to do, but Mother and I did all the work, sewing and all for six of us, and it kept us pretty busy, especially as her health was rather poor.
The house was very old fashioned, consisting of two large rooms with a big fireplace in each room. Father soon put on an addition of three more rooms, and divided one of the large ones so we had six. There was an orchard of excellent apples, and several cherry trees which bore heavily on the place.
We were all pleased with our new home and neighborhood; we were only a mile from Lincoln, which was in plain sight from the house. Our church, which was held in a school house, was only half way to town, but we usually rode to it, as Mother was not able even to walk that little distance. The three children went to school.
Father had some acquaintances by the name of Landis, who lived sixteen miles away near Mount Pulaski. We visited them as often as possible and they came to see us. There was a large family of them, three young men and four girls grown, besides three little girls. The eldest of the family was a maiden lady of thirty named Elizabeth, whom we liked very much indeed; it was always a treat to us if we could persuade her to come and stay a week with us. At one time there was an association held at their church, and Father and I went in the carriage; there was no railroad communication between Lincoln and Mount Pulaski. What a grand time I had. I knew many of the young people and made the acquaintance of many more. Father enjoyed it too, but in an entirely different way.[iii]
Mirinda, 1857 |
The only time I ever attended camp meeting was this summer. A young gentleman, who had been paying some attention to me, and one of the Landis boys hired a double carriage and took Miss Rankin, a friend of mine, and I one Sunday. We took a lunch, and as the meeting was several miles from our house, we were gone all day. We had a very pleasant time indeed.
This fall we had considerable sickness; in fact I know now that the farm was malarious as there was a pond of standing water only a few rods from the house, and the family who owned the place before us, seven in number, all died but one of typhoid fever. Father and Mother had a sick spell, and brother Asa was very sick with typhoid fever. I kept well and by the middle of October all had recovered.
At this time my Aunt Mirinda Parker made us a visit; we were all delighted to see her and wanted her to stay all winter, but she would not hear of it. She staid a short time and left with John Andrews who had come from Indiana that fall to see me. We had been corresponding for some time before he came.
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Mirinda's first letter to John Andrews |
In the spring of this year Uncle Louis’ family moved to Lincoln; he wanted to build a house so Father asked him to remain with us ‘til it was finished. We were a little crowded but got along very well. His family consisted of his wife and four children. Aunt Mirinda came with them, so you see we were pretty thick. They came in April and stayed until October.
In June John Andrews came again, and on the 21st of September we were married. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Moore, an old Baptist preacher long since dead. We went to live at the old Andrews place with John’s mother and brother Seth. Grandpa Norton was visiting at Father’s at the same time and left when we did; he was to stop at Vincennes, Indiana, but concluded to go on to Evansville [Indiana] with us. It was the last time I saw him; he died the next year at the age of 78. We spent one day at Vincennes, arrived at Farmersville in the night and were met by Seth and James and Harriet Hinkley (they had been married two years before). They brought carriages to take us home in, so the next morning we started for a twenty-mile ride. The day was pleasant and everything lovely.
[i] According to
Wikipedia (August 2014), incumbent president Franklin Pierce was defeated in
his effort to be re-nominated by the Democratic Party. James Buchanan, an
experienced politician who was serving as the United States Ambassador to the
United Kingdom and won the nomination instead.
The Whig Party, which had since the 1830s
been one of the two major parties in the U.S., had disintegrated and new
parties, including the Republican Party and the American or “Know-Nothing”
Party (which ignored slavery and instead emphasized anti-immigration policies),
competed to replace it as the principal opposition to the Democratic Party. The
Republican Party nominated John C. Frémont of California as its first
presidential candidate. The Know-Nothing Party nominated former President
Millard Fillmore, of New York.
Frémont condemned the Kansas–Nebraska Act,
and decried the expansion of slavery. Buchanan warned that the Republicans were
extremists whose victory would lead to civil war. The Democrats endorsed
popular sovereignty as the method to determine slavery’s legality for newly
admitted states.
[ii] A bone felon is an infection of the fatty tissue that can lead to an abcess with infection attacking the underlying bone.
Other Posts about Mirinda:
One-Room Schools, a Romance, an Earthquake
Mirinda and Slavery
The Further Adventures of Mirinda Piper (first part)
The Further Adventures of Mirinda Piper (second part)
Memoirs of Mirinda Piper Andrews: Married Life 1858 - 1872